Fiber Optic Solutions Save Time And Money In Higher Cost Regions
Fiber Optic Solutions: Increases Business Efficiency:
Fiber optic cables are relatively new to most businesses, but they have already been made available for several years and have proven valuable in an ever-increasing number of environments.
The solutions that fiber offers can leverage the business utilizing it for increased efficiency and a competitive advantage over their competitors.
Here are just some of the ways fiber optic technology streamlines your business operations:
Fiber optic architecture:
Fiber optic technology deployed through a fiber-optic architecture. A fiber-optic network uses optical cables to carry data in light pulses instead of copper wires. It allows for very high-speed transmissions utilizing many different types of communication technologies such as
• Gigabit Ethernet
• Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
• Synchronous Optical Networking
The key here is that fiber optic bandwidth is a higher capacity than traditional cable-based solutions, but it can more cheaply upgrade. The reason is that there are no electronics inside for failures which would require expensive equipment replacement or repairs.
Another advantage is the ease at which you can add bandwidth by simply adding another fiber strand into your existing infrastructure without needing new hardware conversion from the network.
The fiber optic system is essentially a simple pair of fiber strands generally kept together in armored cable, although you can also use smaller outside diameter cables if desired. These cables install by running them through the walls, ceilings, and floors to be mostly hidden from view, but they are still accessible for maintenance and repair.
The advantage of this type of installation is that it requires less room to expand than traditional copper wiring, allowing you to expand your network more efficiently with less disruption during construction. Also, because all the light pulses travel down each strand simultaneously, there is no loss due to interference or cross-talk between the two directions as there could be in copper cabling systems.
Fiber network:
As a result of the fiber optic architecture, most businesses are now opting to implement their entire network on fiber since it offers more speed and capacity than even copper wiring. This type of setup allows you to have multiple applications running over the same network without interference from each other as they would with traditional networking methods that transmit information only in one direction at any given time.
Fiber also offers high reliability for your data transmissions because there is negligible signal degradation. The distance between source and destination increases allowing for long cable runs between buildings or different sites.
Fiber networks can also design to guarantee specific levels of availability for those mission-critical processes where downtime cannot tolerate- such as ATM transactions or airline reservation systems because no electrical power is needed to transmit information on a fiber-optic network.
Another advantage is that fiber networks are easy to manage and administer because everything can control one central location. No cables are running through the building that needs to track down when something goes wrong.
The cost of fiber optic cabling over copper is not precisely cheap since the initial investment will be a bit higher. It will provide you with more incredible speed and capacity, which should mean longer life cycles for your equipment. You could also save money by buying in bulk so that your monthly costs are lower than they would have been from an all-copper solution.
If you’re looking for a reliable fiber optic services to help improve your business efficiency, give us a call. We offer everything from outside plant installation and repair services to inside wiring of theatres or convention centers. No matter the size of your office building or construction project, we have an experienced team ready to start our next job with no waiting period in most areas. Request a Quote today!
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